The Saga of the Center Chairs

Out with the old; in with the new … chairs, that is.

Every last one of the old rust-colored chairs were taken away by the Salvation Army last week. That included all the old chairs from storage, upstairs and downstairs classrooms, nursery and social hall—a total of 170 chairs. They very generously took even the broken ones away.

Andrew and Masoud helped load them up and saw them off.

Additionally, most of the gray vinyl chairs were taken out of storage, cleaned and placed in the classrooms and nursery so that all the classrooms and nursery have an adequate number of gray vinyl chairs.

The new chairs for the sanctuary and the social hall were delivered on Tuesday around 2:00 PM. As you can see, some assembly was required.

So, Jeff, Masoud, and Sassan buckled down and got about 75 chairs unboxed and assembled.

Wed, Jeff and Masoud were joined by Fariborz and Juan-Carlos and finished assembling the sanctuary chairs.

So, you can get a sense of what they’ll look like when then floor is cleaned and everything is put back together, here’s a pic of half of the hall.

Next step, rearrange the sanctuary and assemble the chairs for the social hall!


Thanks to everyone who worked on the Great Chair Saga of 174BE!

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