Our growing DREAM tutoring program needs tutors for this school year!

Many schools are resuming classes this week! And we are gearing up for our second year of academic tutoring under a new name: DREAM (Developing Relationships and Empowerment through Academic Mentoring) The DREAM program will continue to offer math and reading support for elementary students every Thursday from 5:30 – 6:30 pm at the San Jose Baha’i Center, beginning August 29th.
AND we’ll be expanding to offer English as a Second Language (ESL) classes.
Our successful effort is in need of more tutors!
Many of our tutors from last year are unable to commit their time this year, so we’re turning to you to help us staff up. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer tutor (training will be offered) or know someone who might be interested, and would like more information about the program and the work we do, please don’t hesitate to contact Dawn Bastani at 954-412-2204 or [email protected] to discuss this opportunity with you further and answer any questions you may have. No experience needed, we will train and support you.
Your willingness to dedicate your time to help students struggling with reading and mathematics will not only benefit them academically but also contribute to their overall growth and success in life. Moreover, by becoming a volunteer tutor, you will have the opportunity to participate in a successful social action project that is making a real difference in our community.
Thank you for considering this invitation, and hope to hear from you soon.