Next Door Solutions to Domestic Abuse is an organization the Baha’is of San Jose have partnered with in the past, assembling toiletries kits for their clients at Ayyam-i-ha. If you

"So powerful is the light of unity that it can illuminate the whole earth.” ~ Bahá'u'lláh
Next Door Solutions to Domestic Abuse is an organization the Baha’is of San Jose have partnered with in the past, assembling toiletries kits for their clients at Ayyam-i-ha. If you
The DREAM afterschool tutoring program was Initiated last year by Dawn Bastani. It has grown from one student to 20 creating a need for more volunteer tutors. DREAM is an
The DREAM tutoring program (Developing Relationships and Empowerment through Academic Mentoring) will continue to offer math and reading support for elementary students every Thursday from 5:30 – 6:30 pm at
Our growing DREAM tutoring program needs tutors for this school year! Many schools are resuming classes this week! And we are gearing up for our second year of academic tutoring