The prophets and founders of all revealed religions have told us repeatedly that living in unity with our fellow beings is a hallmark of faith. In the last two paragraphs
Healing Racism Part 4, Walking the Walk
Every great spiritual teacher, messenger and prophet advises us to walk the walk, not just talk the talk. Buddha famously said: It is indeed a fact that salvation cannot come
Healing Racism Part 5, Unity Takes Work
You’ve heard this frequent refrain in media, in social networking, in political rhetoric and in classrooms: America is the greatest nation on Earth. Is it true? As I noted in
Healing Racism Part 2, A Vision of Race Unity
During the past several years, Americans made a distressing “discovery:” we are not a post-racial society and racial animus is still very much alive. We must focus on recognizing the
Healing Racism Part 1, Our Most Challenging Issue
This is the first of a series of articles on the issue of race unity, in which I’d like to share some thoughts on a facet of our national life
Core Activities Tracker: JoAnn Rodriguez
JoAnn Rodriguez is now the go-to person to keep track of all core activities: children’s classes, junior youth groups, study circles, and devotionals. Please forward all information to her email:
Local House of Worship Opens in Kenya
May 24, 2021 MATUNDA, Kenya — A luminous presence in Matunda Soy, Kenya, the first local Bahá’í House of Worship in the continent of Africa was dedicated at an opening
National Spiritual Assembly Elects Officers
In a message dated May 24, 2021, the National Spiritual Assembly shared with the American Baha’i community the results of the election of its officers for the coming year. We
Reflection: Why Saying ‘I’m Not Racist’ is Not Enough
This Reflection features an article from Baha’ by Cynthia Barnes-Slater, a Baha’i from the Wilmette, IL area. In her article, Cynthia warns that “Actively unlearning racism requires challenging personal ‘I’m
Baha’is of the United States Elect National Spiritual Assembly
To the United States Bahá’í community Beloved Friends, While the coronavirus pandemic prevented us, for a second consecutive year, from gathering in person for what would have been the 113th