Event Series Feast


San Jose Bahá'í Center 945 Willow Street, San Jose, CA, United States

Feast Notice This is a recurring reminder for the date and time of Feast.

Event Series Feast

Nineteen Day Spiritual Feast

San Jose Bahá'í Center 945 Willow Street, San Jose, CA, United States

19-Day Feast of Kamal (Perfection) 8th month of the year 181 B.E. Wednesday 31 July @ 7:30 PM   From 'Abdu'l-Bahá\:   ". . . the friends will, once in nineteen

Guity and Alice’s Friday Devotional on Zoom

San Jose Bahá'í Center 945 Willow Street, San Jose, CA, United States

Join Alice and Guity for a Zoom devotional Friday, August 2nd at 7 PM. The topic is " Peace and Love." Join Zoom Meeting https://us05web.zoom.us/j/9064234510?pwd=UXJvWll3YTVabVJGNmRaVUtBamR5Zz09&omn=81947246019 Meeting ID: 906 423 4510